
On Air

Star 104.5

Clowns – 8/5/19

Clowns – 8/5/19

Clowns – 8/5/19


Alamo Drafthouse said they will be holding clowns-only screenings of It: Chapter 2.  Clowns date back to the early Egyptians, which were more like jesters.  Apparently, the clown car is real.

1)  The word clown comes from the latin word for clever one?

2)  A fear of clowns is known as coulrophobia?

3)  At the height of its popularity on TV, Willard Scott was the person playing Bozo The Clown?

4)  National Clown Week was started during the Nixon administration?


1)  Fake…it most likely comes from a variety of languages such as Dutch kloen, German klonne, and Swedish kluns.  They all mean some form of clumsy.

2)  Fact.  And it’s a fairly new phobia that saw a spike in people being diagnosed with it after Stephen King’s original It came out.

3)  Fake…while Willard did perform as Bozo, each city that aired Bozo had a different actor as the show was locally produced.

4)  Fact… Bill “Boom-Boom” Baily, was an original member of Clowns of America when it was founded in 1967. He pushed for a National Clown Week publicity and convinced Congressmen from Maryland and Indiana to introduce a joint resolution in Congress establishing National Clown Week as an annual event. He lobbied the United States Congress and organized a visit by clowns to the senate building in Washington, D.C.  In October, 1970, Public Law 91-443 under the 91st Congress was passed by both the House and Senate and was signed into law by President Nixon on August 2, 1971.

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