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Star 104.5

Yo-Yos – 6/5/19

Yo-Yos – 6/5/19

Yo-Yos – 6/5/19

National Yo-Yo day is coming up on Thursday.  In 1933 yo-yos were banned in Syria, because many locals superstitiously blamed the use of them for a severe drought.  The first U.S. manufacturer opened in 1928 and was bought by a guy named Donald Duncan in 1932.

1)  Yo-yos date back to the ancient Greeks?

2)  Before plastic yo-yos were sold, they were made out of metal?

3)  The yo-yo is not in the Toy Hall of Fame?

4)  The largest yo yo in the world weighed in at 400 pounds?


1)  Fact…they date back to at least 500 BC.

2)  Fake…wood.

3)  Fake…the Duncan Yo-Yo was inducted in 1999 with the Hula Hoop, Lincoln Logs, and roller skates.

4)  Fake…4600 pounds and was dropped 120 feet from a crane before rebounding back up.  It was 11 feet in diameter.

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