
On Air

Star 104.5

Goldfish – 2/21/19

Goldfish – 2/21/19

Goldfish – 2/21/19

1)  Goldfish can turn white if you keep them in the dark?

2)  The oldest goldfish on record lived to over 40 years old?

3)  They sleep with their eyes open?

4)  A goldfish’s memory actually lasts about a week?


1)  Fact…their skin color depends on the amount of light, but other factors such as water quality, illness, and age can change their colors too.

2)  Fact…at least 43, and possibly it was 45 years old.

3)  Fact…they don’t have eyelids.

4)  Fake…numerous tests have been done and it’s more like 3 to 4 months.

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